Buying your very first ticket to a ghost event is often filled with excitement. But are you choosing the right hosts for your evening? Take a read through Haunted Escapes breakdown guide to help you in your quest for finding your perfect host


For anyone who is looking to experience a night of ghost hunting. A quick Google search will present you with a multitude of companies to choose from. Yes there really are dozens of paranormal event companies out these! Ranging from the main dominators to the smaller lesser well known groups. But how do you decide on which company to be your hosts for the night?

Ultimately this is something only you can decide upon. But let’s break it into key things to look for before making your mind up and finding your perfect host!


Over the years when I’ve had a night off from working on an investigation but still needed a paranormal fix, I’ve booked on with the big and small companies out there, where the end result on some of those night had left me thinking was paying for that ticket to the event really worth it.

Looking back and knowing what my style of investigation looks like, finding a group who has the same investigative approach is what really makes up a large part of the night.

Whilst investigative approach certainly plays a huge role in the enjoyment of your night. It’s also vital that the hosts of your choice has their customer experience and hosting skills on the top of their agenda.

Remember buying a ticket to an event and parting ways with your hard earned cash isn’t just buying a ticket to the location. You are buying a ticket to the full experience!

Abbey House Museum Leeds Shop Sign Finding Your Perfect Host
Abbey House Museum Leeds Barber Shop



You’ve already searched Google to return a list of potential hosts. Go take a look on their website and have a read through their about or event section. This will give you a good understanding of what to expect on the night.


This is a big one, every individual can say how incredible they are with their people skills. For me, it doesn’t matter what I think of my people skills, what really matters is what others think when looking at people skills. Again Google and also social media will be your friends here. Be nosey, be inquisitive and search for those guest reviews.


Again this links back a little to the social media platforms. If you are seeing polite, friendly, helpful responses from a particular group then you are on to a winner!


When you find a group which meets all of your expectations. This will have a huge positive impact on your night of spook hunting and chance are the day after the event, you’ll be found browsing the future events that your hosts have planned. It really is a magical feeling when you find your perfect hosts, just be ready for the next night of hunting!

Next, let’s take a look at how you can start building your own paranormal equipment toolkit

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