Looking to know a little more about Haunted Escapes founder? Take a read through some of the most popular questions asked when on location

About Haunted Escapes Founder

A Brief Introduction…

Hello, thank you for stopping by. My name is Neil and I am the founder of Haunted Escapes, where I work as a paranormal investigator for a ghost hunt events company called Paranormal Eye UK.

Here you can find some of the most frequently asked questions that I get asked when on location.

Q1 – How did you get started working in the paranormal field?

I have always had a huge interest in the world of the paranormal. I’ve watched all the TV shows, read story after story and I always thought this was something that I wanted to explore more. After discovering a ghost hunt event (yes, I had no idea these were a thing) I bought my first ticket to a night of investigation and I was immediately hooked!

I remember clearly the next day I was contacted by the event organizers inviting me to be part of their team, to which it was an instant yes!

Q2 – Is this your full-time job?

How amazing would it be if it were? I do have a “regular” day job working a typical Monday to Friday week.

Q3 – Have you ever seen a ghost?

This is a tricky one to answer. Seeing a ghost can mean different things to people! For me, being described as sensitive to spirit, I do sense, feel, and sometimes see spirit. Answering in that sense, I would say yes.

Rephrasing the question. “Have I ever seen a full apparition?” this is a yes, although only once throughout my life!

Q4 – What prompted you to create Haunted Escapes?

Racking up countless paranormal events over a number of years, it dawned on me that I have all these memories locked away in my mind and other than on the night itself; I have no platform for where I can share the memories with others.

I would say there are lots of us who are fascinated with the paranormal. But for one reason or another, may not be able to experience a real ghost hunt. This is why I created Haunted Escapes. A place to share my adventures in the paranormal.

Q5 – What is the strangest thing you’ve witnessed?

Hmm, this is a tough one. I have seen lots of strange things. It’s hard to pick just one. So I’ll pick two!

Annison Funeral Parlour in Hull. Witnessed a white lace appear on my friend’s shoulder. Very strange and equally unnerving as my friend was not wearing anything white!

Drakelow Tunnels. Call and wait vigil. Hearing movement at the top of the tunnel I was in. I asked the spirit to make a loud noise, then a metal bar came flying towards me.

Q6 – You mentioned you are sensitive to spirit. Can you explain more?

This is something I plan to write an article about. Please keep an eye on Haunted Escapes!

Q7 – Do you have a favourite location?

There are too many! I love buildings from the Victorian era along with locations underground like Drakelow Tunnels and Edinburgh Vaults, even though the latter you go up to go down.

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