Borwick Hall Ghost Hunt Haunted Escapes


Take a journey with Haunted Escapes as we experience the Borwick Hall ghost hunt weekend. Setting the scene. Breaking down the location. Reporting the unexplainable.


A short drive eight miles north of Lancaster will take you to the small village of Borwick and Haunted Escapes first visit to the eerie Borwick Hall for a ghost hunt weekend.

Borwick Hall, now a Grade I listed building, was a former grand home dating back as early as the 14th century and is now primarily used as a retreat getaway and conferencing hall. This location from the outside gives a real sense of haunted, the ancient mason work eroded through time, and the small-paned windows that are sure to have had many a person peering out across the beautiful gardens on the estate.


When stepping inside this place, the modern day world is immediately taken away. The ground floor you have the main hall with its dark paneled wooden walls and a huge stone fireplace. Not everything is as it seems here. Behind the walls are not so obvious rooms, the panel room and judges room which are perfect for lone investigations.

On the first floor, you will reach the library and billiards room along with small private bedrooms scattered throughout. Heading further up, the second and third floors have narrow spooky corridors that appear to stretch for longer than they really are, with even more private bedrooms, some of which are named the coffin room and priests’ bedroom.

One thing that massively stands out is the quirkiness of this building, all the floors here are not level, you’ll find nooks, crannies and hidden staircases throughout and this alone gives you a feeling of being lost and vulnerable, a perfect blend to add into the mix for ghost hunting.

Borwick Hall Ghost Hunt Weekend Panel Room



Starting the night, Haunted Escapes would be uncovering who still resides on the ground floor, and what better place is there to begin that in the main hall.

With guests forming a large circle beneath the chandelier, it was time to call out for the spirits of the building to come forward. Within moments, one guest felt the familiar coldness of ghostly energy weaving around them. This appeared to be confirmed by a piece of kit bursting into life, which was positioned just behind the guest. Shortly after, the same guest started to experience the sensation of being gently pushed. Attempting to encourage this presence, a request for confirmation was asked. The response of what appeared to be footsteps or shuffling was heard by a few other members of the group.

We regrouped in the panel room with hands placed on the table to allow energy to flow around. K2 meters and Rempods armed and ready, more ghostly cold spots were felt around the table when asking the spirit to make themselves known. This energy seemed to be walking around the table as multiple members of the group reported this sensation one by one.

As this icy air was mingling with the group, I was homing in on the name George. So much so it was all I could think of. Asking if George was correct, suddenly a feeling of being touched was reported by someone sitting at the table. This was then swiftly followed by another name of Sarah coming in to play.

With time ticking away fast on the first vigil before ushering in the next group. No further interaction from George, Sarah, or any other spirit was witnessed. However, the group experiencing things right from the beginning of the night was a great start to the evening.


We started the second vigil in the panel room to build upon what was experienced in the previous session. All kit was set out, K2 EMF meters, Rempods positioned, and the haunted doll was ready for action.

Beginning with the opening, we each introduced ourselves one by one. After all, this is a polite way to act when meeting people and spirit for the first time. Spirit is often very receptive to introductions, and this was proved by a K2 EMF meter on the table having a quick flicker of lights.

The female name Sarah, which was sensed on the previous vigil, had made a strong return. It’s not often that I get images of spirit, but I was able to describe the height, build and clothing of Sarah. When describing this to the group, faint knocking could be heard. Some members of the group even felt an unseen presence walking on one side of the room.

As the group were in conversation asking questions about Sarah after describing her, the highlight of the entire evening occurred. Positioned in each corner of the room are two pianos, one which has the key lid open, and the other with the lid down. The piano with the lid down sounded out a keystroke, which was heard by the majority of the group.

Hearing a single key played on the piano is something Haunted Escapes has witnessed only once before at Armley Mills. It’s something that is both fascinating and exciting. Surely this will be a remembering point for those who witnessed this occurrence.

Could this have been Sarah responding to us? As the key lid was closed, and with nobody close enough to interact with the piano, it does make the mind question who played that single key-stroke.


As everyone took a well earned refuel from a tea of coffee, it was soon time for the third vigil.

For this session, I was joined by a co-host who is a professional medium. A sรฉance style investigation for vigil three was in order. This vigil was one on a more personal level. There was plenty of loving and meaningful messages being conveyed to individual members of the group.

Despite the personal theme to this session, everyone in the room was captivated and moved by what they were witnessing.

Borwick Hall Ghost Hunt Weekend Panelled Room Pianos


For the final vigil of the night, it was time for something a little different. As the team gathered all guests in the main hall. It was time for a full group session.

With only a trigger object placed in the centre of the room, each guest would ask one final question to the spirit energies. It was clear that the guests wanted to have some fun with the crew. Members of the group began asking if spirit would let each member of the team have an uneventful night of sleeping on location. To our own delight, there was no response to these questions!



Night twos area was to be again the ground floor, which gives the bonus of being able to build up the story from the night before whilst not allowing the previous night’s occurrences to influence the mind.

With the kit introduction complete, and guests ready, the familiar call out began. With the atmosphere feeling quite still, this did not dampen any activity. Within sheer minutes, a definite icy cold blast was felt. This was then accompanied by an old wooden chair creaking as someone appeared to take a seat.

To the delight of the group, a guest asked if they could use some dowsing rods, which can yield some fascinating results. An energy hotspot found indicated by the dowsing rods crossing. After identifying a yes and no response on the rods, members began asking out questions. The ghostly energy of an 11-year-old boy was talking with the group. It turned out this young chap was quite partial to drinking lots of milk and would often sneak into the kitchen to get more than his share.

Once this dowsing rod experiment had passed, the group member returned to the table as we continued to see who else would make themselves known. During a brief conversation, two guests had their emotions toyed with. One feeling sadness and the other feeling angry. With these emotions coming to the forefront, it was a good thing that this was at the end of the session giving everyone a quick five-minute respite for the changeover.


For this vigil, it was to remain on the emotion play for one member of the group. It wasn’t long before a female energy made themselves known. One member of the group felt drawn to the corner of the room, and when they moved to this area, the emotional play began.

As the group continued to call out and question, the person who had moved to the corner of the room had a mood shift. Repeatedly, this person firmly stated, “this is a private conversation, go about your business”. When asking this person to expand on what they were feeling, the response of “I am in a private discussion over here and you should not be listening to us” was voiced.

This strange mood shift continued for quite some time. When the member of the group returned to the table, the mood was soon turning towards one of anger, and the guest was answering questions being asked with language that they said they never use in day-to-day life.

The interesting thing to note, this mood shift into one of anger, happened to someone from the previous group who was sitting in the same chair. Could this have been a spirit who was drawn to females and draping their emotions on them?


Our third vigil had arrived. This vigil was to be a challenge as, for the most part, things had fallen very much silent. After 45 minutes of energy building and different calling out techniques, the silent equipment slowly began to react.

Sadly, to my own disappointment, the next change and final group of the night was about to happen. Even as an experienced ghost hunter, expectations can sometimes be too high. Sometimes, the paranormal world likes to remind you of this too, as it’s not always possible to have a continuous flow of activity.


The final vigil of the night was upon us and equally the determination to musta up some strong ghostly activity. A quick buildup of energy for spirit to use was in order. Every member of the group created high levels of energy by hand rubbing and clearing their minds.

This effort was to be rewarded. The K2 EMF meter that had barely begun flashing from the previous vigil took a huge hit of EMF energy, which coincided with the return of the cold meandering air. Whoever was present with us, was able to use their energy to manipulate the lights on command. As the group was giving huge encouragement and praise, this simply increased the amount of lights being affected.

We were now experiencing the K2 meters maxing out on the amber and red LED lights, along with the Rempod and bear trigger item having their lights flicker and flash. The group, including myself, were fully immersed in the playfulness of this unknown spirit who was giving everything ounce of their energy.

The light show remained for the duration of this final vigil and was a perfect end to the second night of the Borwick Hall ghost hunt weekend.


Through the daytime, when preparing to welcome the guests , there were plenty of unexplainable goings on. Strange voices, footsteps, doors closing, and the sound of a baby crying were all heard. It’s no wonder Haunted Escapes, and the hosts refused to go to bed!

This location really does test your nerves!


The Borwick Hall ghost hunt weekend was one filled with nerves and emotion. After spending two nights here, it shows that no two nights are the same. The ghostly energies encountered are ones who will share their stories and emotions with you, which makes Borwick Hall an absolute return location

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