Building your own paranormal toolkit


Let Haunted Escapes guide you through building your own paranormal toolkit. Where to begin, the must haves, and how thew simplest investigation device can level up your next night of ghost hunting


When it comes to building your own paranormal toolkit. I would always recommend using trusted retailers.

Similar to the choosing your hosts article which you can read here it’s vital to search retailer reviews. Sadly there are unscrupulous sellers out there who are cashing in on the paranormal field and selling questionable items with questionable prices.

Remembers the phrase if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is!


Before jumping in to buying your own pieces of ghost hunting equipment. It’s a good idea to make sure you have the absolute basics.

A good quality torch: The torch app on your mobile phone while at a push can be useful, always go with a regular style torch to light the way as you walk around the locations at night. Many haunted venues have uneven floors, steps in unexpected places and you need to make sure you are able to see clearly.

Clothing/Footwear: Sensible comfortable footwear is a must. You could well be on your feet for a good hour. You want your feet to not feel the pressure of standing on a solid stone floor as speaking from experience, it can start to give a very uncomfortable dull ache! Similar can be said for your night attire. Think warm, think layers!


Starting your own paranormal toolkit will give you a feeling of a kid in a candy shop. You will have a budget in mind, but just completely spoilt for choice from row after row of sweets or in this case kit.

You might click on a particular item, read the description and still not really know what it does. Luckily there’s a handy equipment breakdown here on just a few items from my own personal toolkit that might help.


As I was building my own toolkit, I started very basic and slowly built it up from there. This is what I would suggest to anyone first starting out in the world of kit.

It can soon become expensive and you could end up dipping into the overdraft or having a bigger splurge than intended on the credit card!

Your best entry item will be at least two K2 EMF Meters. They might look a bit bland or not very exciting but this could not be further from the truth!

Adding just two of these to your starter kit will level up your next paranormal investigation. Not only can you do your own mini lone vigils if the hosts permit, but you’ll probably find the other guests will talk to you asking where you bought the K2’s. This then opens the flood gates to forming a great partnership for the night with your fellow investigators.

To build your ghost hunting kit beyond just K2 EMF meters, you can break down the kit into different categories. This is something all ghost hunters do to ensure you cover each different approach of investigation.

Thankfully, your shopping destinations will cover the different equipment categories for you, but here are just a few of them to give you an rough idea:

Temperature. Movement & Shadow. Vibration and EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena).


Although a short read, each paragraph captures what to look for when building your ghost hunting toolkit. Remember to use trusted retailers. Know how the kit works and how to use it and stick to your budget.

Last up is to take a look at Haunted Escapes recommendations for event hosts and retailers.

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