Here you can find a no nonsense guide to the ghost hunting equipment used by Haunted Escapes when on location

No investigators toolkit can be complete without at least one K2 EMF Meter. This small device is able to detect shifts in electromagnetic field energy, or EMF for short. This EMF energy is what spirit’s are said to omit and are able to manipulate. When the device is powered on it shows a single green LED, if there is a change in EMF and depending upon the strength of that change, the remaining bar of LED’s will light up ranging from green then amber and all the way to red.
When using this particular piece of paranormal equipment, I would recommend using in pairs and asking spirit to designate one for yes and one for no, then you can really find out who from the spirit world has come forward by asking yes no style questions. Of course there are many different experiments you can try with the K2 EMF Meter. However I will let you discover this on your night of investigation.
Overall the K2 EMF Meter is a fantastic starting point and is often seen as one of the most active pieces of equipment!
The best way to describe the MEL Meter is level two EMF detection. This device works very much the same way as the K2 EMF Meter in that is picks up shifts in that EMF energy that spirit’s love to manipulate. The big difference with the Mel Meter is that is has a small display screen. This shows a digital read out vs. the traditional K2 EMF being LED light based. The screen also has a backlight so you can see it from a short distance.
Another stand out feature of this device is the probe that you fix to the top of the device. This acts as a temperature sensor and picks up all the shifts whether this be heating up or cooling down, the temperature read out is also displayed on the screen.
Overall the MEL Meter is fantastic for use on locked off experiments!

Let’s talk about spirits voices. Yes you can capture these! The small yet power Spirit Box is designed to let you witness voices from the beyond. It has been well documented that spirit’s are able to use white noise as a way of conveying their voice. This device will give you that possibility.
The device works by sweeping through the FM/AM radio frequencies at variable speed with a forward or backward sweep. This then creates the classic white noise sounds. The voices it can return are what’s called Electronic Voice Phenomena or as many refer to as EVP.
There are many add on items for this little gem of a device. Attachable speaker, headphones, and even an external recorder.
The laser grid is a movement detecting device and is such a simple item to use. Simply point the laser in the desired location, turn on the unit and it will project a grid of light in a mixture of red and green (although singular colour options are available).
When using this device, it’s important everyone is behind the unit in order to avoid false detection. As someone or something walks in front of the laser, it will break sections of the grid according to the size of the object entering the laser field. Spirit is again very good at projecting in shadow form and this device will let you witness something not so easy to explain.
The laser grid is another excellent additional. Depending on your preferred model, it is also a cost friendly item to add to your toolkit.

This is a rare find! The Vibe Pod is a highly sensitive movement device. I really cannot stress just how sensitive this little thing is.
This device is a little different from the standard movement devices as it has three rows of LED lights which represent the different axis (X,Y,Z). Making the axis a bit simpler, this is basically back and forth, up and down and side to side. Each direction is indicated by its own row of LED’s lighting up. As the device detects the movement it will also alert you by sounding an audible tone which can be toggled on or off
The Vibe Pod is a very rare item to find and is a show piece of any kit collection.
This is an absolute must for completing paranormal investigations. The REM Pod is a multi function tool, depending upon the model you purchase. The one pictured is the latest model which works similar to previous iterations. This device omits it’s own 360 degree field of EMF for which you can set the range. If a being either physical or spiritual enters that radius, this then triggers the LED light’s on top of the unit. In addition you also get a clear audible alert.
Another feature of this particular model is that it has it’s own temperature sensors. The temperature shift response is +5 degrees which triggers audible tone with red LED light and -5 degrees with audible alert and blue LED light.
Overall the REM Pod is a piece of equipment that truly provides fascinating results. It is definitely worth the investment.

Here we have a multi function piece of kit. The Haunted Doll. These have become very popular and there are so many variations to choose from.
This particular model is custom made and features a K2 EMF detector LED bar in the chest. As you now know, the K2 EMF Meter detects the EMF energy shifts. On the reverse of the Haunted Doll is a proximity or touch sensor. Upon activation of the sensor, the dolls eyes which have LED lights begin to flash and in addition there is a clear audible tone to alert.
The Haunted Doll is a unique item. A K2 EMF Meter, proximity or touch sensor. Along with being a trigger object. This is what makes it the crown jewel of the collection.
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